Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Psalm 121 in my own words

I am traveling through this world, making my way towards my Homecoming.  Along the way, You know there are many dangers and sometimes I am afraid.
afraid of being alone
afraid of failure
afraid of conflict
afraid of facing reality
afraid of success
afraid of confrontation
afraid of my own inadequacy
afraid of the opinions of men
afraid of looking foolish
afraid of my enemies
afraid of faltering, stumbling, tumbling, falling......
But, LORD, You are my keeper!
As I journey towards my Eternity, I will trust You to get me there safely.  You are my guardian and protector.  My eternal destiny is secure in You.  My soul is being saved for the day when my faith will become sight.
You give me the courage to face down my fears because You hold all things in Your hands.
You are the all-mighty, the constantly unchanging, the all-knowing, the all-powerful, all-present Creator, the Maker of Heaven and Earth!  Is anything too hard for You?  No, of course not!  So what do I have to fear?!?!
"As for me, I TRUST in YOU, O LORD!  I say YOU are my God!  My times are in Your hand..."  --Psalm 31:14-15a
You are my help.
You are my protector.
You watch over me.
You guard my every step.
You are my keeper!
My Good Shepherd, I trust You implicitly!
Thank You for Your promise that You will protect my coming and going both now and tomorrow and every tomorrow without end!  Help me to be ever mindful of this truth, and may this knowledge stir in me a boldness and courage that is supernatural.  Give me the grace to step out in faith and obey You with complete confidence (no, not self-confidence, but GOD-confidence), for You are my source, my shelter, my safety, my "panic room" where no harm can befall except for that which You allow.  And, EVEN THEN, I will trust You and praise You, knowing that all things are working together for my eternal good and Your glory!
My eternity is secure in You, and it is well with my soul!
Your daughter who loves You so, so much (but not nearly as much as You love me),
Thank You!